Gami Group

1 प्रोजेक्ट्स 120 यूनिट्स
साझा करें

के बारे में Gami Group

With a portfolio of potential real estate projects, luxury & class hotel chains, the world's most impressive cultural theme park chain, Gami Land is dominating the market spread across many areas, many throughout the country.

Currently, we warmly welcome investors, domestic and foreign partners to join in the construction and development of real estate projects with the Gami Group investor, benefit-sharing, accompanying to success and glory. A medium-term capital source in the period of 2019-2022 is expected to be mobilized from domestic and foreign investment funds, strategic partners, from a community of high caliber investors reaching 300-400 million USD, for upgrading. , expanding and speeding up the development of projects to a new level.

We are committed to giving the highest priority to many attractive cooperation policies to promote strategic partners to accompany development in the Vietnam market and go global.

Gami Group के सभी प्रोजेक्टों की तुलना करें

ऑफ प्लान
प्रोजेक्ट का नाम
यूनिट्स की कुल संख्या
आरंभिक मूल्य
निर्माण पूरा होने की तारीख
कोई मिलान परिणाम नहीं
प्रोजेक्ट का नाम
यूनिट्स की कुल संख्या
आरंभिक मूल्य
निर्माण पूरा होने की तारीख
कोई मिलान परिणाम नहीं
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