Hado Group

5 प्रोजेक्ट्स
साझा करें

के बारे में Hado Group

The target of the Group of the Dutch Group is the development and big strong does not uncend on the platform of quality, the quality service and business long long business, length to a first member files, any business product start at Vietnam.
The development of the Group of the Group of the Group of the Dutch Groups are multi as the first activities as business, business, high level, ... to the best customers like the clients.

Continuing development of the area area in the current menu, utility and service good in the water and international.

Cooperate and develop the project in Military and civil.

Development for the level du lịch, the high level, old mang thương hiệu Hà Đô

Development office for rent and trade center at the major area of the land.

Developed service management and professional real estate business.

Development of renewable resources such as hydropower, wind energy, solar quality.

Hado Group के सभी प्रोजेक्टों की तुलना करें

ऑफ प्लान
प्रोजेक्ट का नाम
यूनिट्स की कुल संख्या
आरंभिक मूल्य
निर्माण पूरा होने की तारीख
कोई मिलान परिणाम नहीं
प्रोजेक्ट का नाम
यूनिट्स की कुल संख्या
आरंभिक मूल्य
निर्माण पूरा होने की तारीख
कोई मिलान परिणाम नहीं
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    www.fazwaz.cn www.fazwaz.ru www.fazwaz.fr www.fazwaz.de www.fazwaz.es
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